Trolled by the Turkish Ice Cream Man

They say the best things in life are worth waiting for. I guess that includes some ice cream from the infamous Turkish Ice Cream Man in Singapore’s Clarke Quay!

The Singapore River runs through Clarke Quay
The Singapore River runs through Clarke Quay

Clarke Quay in Singapore is arguably the number one go-to place for evening and nightly entertainment in the country, with boulevards covered from the elements that contain bar after bar after bar serving up cheap Tiger Beer buckets and shots and cocktails of all flavours. During the day, however, Clarke Quay can be the scene of equal deviousness…

Why do all Dondurma sellers look so cheeky?
Why do all Dondurma sellers look so cheeky?

One of the most well-known (and infamous) entertainers around these parts is a guy known as the Turkish Ice Cream Man, who trolls his customers (victims) every time they order some delectable dondurma from his riverside stall. Identifiable by his over-eager moustache, the Turkish Ice Cream Man seems to delight in pretending to give his customers (victims) their ice cream, and then pulling it away from them at the last moment to embarrass them (as seen in the videos below)! Turkish dondurma is harder than regular ice cream that you may be aware of in the west, so the regular twisting and turning upside down of the cones does not do any damage! This is an ongoing form of entertainment, and of course you will get your ice cream eventually, but it gives the tourists the opportunity to be entertained before eat! Nobody does it quite like the Turks!

The first video is from Istanbul (not my video) where the trolling craze began! The second video is from Singapore! What legends they both are!

Worth the wait?
Worth the wait?

I had some fun with the ice cream guy, right after I had had a McDonald’s (yeah, yeah, I know). I wanted something to wash down the taste of the fatty burgers, so I stopped by the Turkish Ice Cream Man, knowing full well that I would be trolled to high Hell. And I was. And many tourists who hadn’t seen the act before laughed their heads off. Hmmm. Oh well, at least the dondurma was tasty!

There’s nothing quite like having a unique selling point to stand out from the crowd! Have you been trolled by the Turkish Ice Cream Man? Gimmick or genuinely funny? Let me know below!

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